Nuestra Empresa

Nuestra certificación

Nuestras certificaciones validan nuestra dedicación a mantener altos estándares en todos los aspectos de nuestras operaciones, desde la fabricación hasta la satisfacción del cliente. Al mantener estas certificaciones, garantizamos a nuestros clientes y socios que pueden confiar en la calidad superior y la seguridad de nuestros productos y servicios.


ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies the requirements for a quality management system (QMS). This certification demonstrates our commitment to consistently delivering products and services that meet both customer expectations and regulatory standards, ensuring reliability and excellence throughout our operations.
ISO 9001

ISO 13485

The ISO 13485 is the internationally recognized standard tailored for medical device manufacturers. It establishes requirements for the design, development, production, installation, and maintenance of medical devices, ensuring they are safe, effective, and fit for their intended purpose. This certification underpins our commitment to quality and patient safety in the delivery of medical gas plants and associated services.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard that provides a structured framework for managing environmental responsibilities. This certification reflects our dedication to minimizing environmental impacts, ensuring legal and regulatory compliance, and optimizing resource efficiency in all aspects of our operations, from manufacturing to on-site services.

CE 1639

The CE 1639 mark signifies compliance with European regulations for medical devices. It ensures that our products meet stringent requirements for performance, safety, design, packaging, labeling, and manufacturer-supplied information. This certification reinforces our commitment to delivering high-quality, reliable medical solutions across Europe.
CE 1639
Ultra Controlo Logotipo blanco

¿Quiénes somos?

Ultra Controlo está formado por un equipo dinámico y emprendedor dedicado a la fabricación de plantas de gases medicinales, ensambladas y probadas en nuestras fábricas y listas para ser instaladas en clínicas y hospitales de todo el mundo.

Suministramos proyectos completos llave en mano, construidos a la medida de sus necesidades, sobre Sistemas de Tuberías de Gases Médicos (MGPS).

Sobre nosotros